Module 3 (PG Diploma course/ London second intake)
Sat, 14 Dec
|London/ England/ Location is TBD
This five-day of lectures and workshops are exclusive for ACE postgraduate diploma in orthodontic students. For more details abut future courses, please visit our website

Time & Location
14 Dec 2019, 09:00 – 18 Dec 2019, 17:00
London/ England/ Location is TBD
About The Event
Exclusive for ACE postgraduate diploma in orthodontic students.
The five days of lectures and workshops will be delivered and taught be our director, Dr Mohammed Almuzian (Specialist Orthodontist).
For more details abut future courses, please visit our website
Dr Mohammed Almuzian
Specialist Orthodontist (UK)
Honorary Lecturer in Orthodontics (University of Sydney)
Honorary Research Fellow (University of Edinburgh)
BDS (Hons), MFDS RCPSGlasg., MJDF RCSEng., MFD RSCIr., MDSc.Ortho. (Distinction), MSc.HCA (Atlanta), DClin.Dent. Ortho. (Glasgow), PGCert.SRHealth (Portsmouth), Cert.MedEd. (Dundee), MOrth RCSEd., IMOrth RCPSGlasg., RCSEng., MDTF RCSEd., MARCDS. Orth. (Sydney)